浏览记录:13330 |发布时间: 2019-05-09 |【字号 字体: |



about "A dichotomy of desire"



日本视觉艺术家shoheikondo和越南当代艺术家thuy nguyen的双个展:欲望的二分法,于4月18日在美国纽约唐人街开幕,作品包括装置,雕塑和绘画。

A double individual exhibition ofJapanese visual artist shoheikondo and Vietnamese contemporary artist thuynguyen ,curated by Angie Phrasavah :A dichotomy of desireopened in NewYork's Chinatown on Aprilv18. The works include installation, sculpture and paintings.


Many artists have their own fixed"label" or symbol. It seems that this kind of artist with thecharacteristics of branding can give people a sense of security to some extent.Shohei, on the contrary, is an artist whose works are full of unstableelements. When I met him two years ago, he was interested in studyingelectronic music composition. A year later, he showed many works made withgames. However, now he goes back to the original way of using the most directeasel painting to express himself. Throughout his works over the past fewyears, we can find that he has been in a constantly changing process, and thereis no obvious bond. And there is very few artists who don’t develop within thelinear model.



The linear model mentioned here isthat an artist has long found an element that can represent himself, and hasexpanded various possibilities based on this element. Kaws and Kusama Yayoi aresuch artists. I have to admit that their works show a strong explosiveness andpresence, just like the beat of huge waves, you know where it is, and how muchenergy it will bring. But to define shohei's creative model, I think hisresearch ideas are like streams with many branches which may be dry today andmay become merged in the sea to form a huge wave tomorrow, and a waterfall theday after tomorrow. Such an artist is full of infinite possibilities andvitality, because he will not put all the eggs in one basket.


The reason for this is that, first ofall, every shift of his focus from one creative element and method to anotherdoes not mean the end of the previous set of works, but just the combination ofthe strengths of the previous set of works into the next set of works. Iremember shohei was first trained in experimental photography, and he broughtwith him a set of paintings related to zen to this exhibition. There is a greatpolarization in his works' comments, and many people will be disgusted by thisseemingly simple color blocks and lines, because they focus on the creationprocess of the work (and this creation process is established), and they alsobelieves that if the painting is not large, it will not deserve the spaceoccupied by the canvas. I understand this idea that too simple things or thingsout of the system are really easy to be misunderstood. But what I find in hispaintings is not just a smooth, digitally printed picture. The combination oflines and background colors selected by shohei is the essence of this group ofzen paintings, and each of his paintings ultimately presents the audience astrong cinematic effect.



I think this is the advantage ofartists who have learned lens language. They know how to express what they wantto present in the first place. Because image is different from painting, thereis no concept of time in easel painting, and the audience can adjust theviewing mode at will. However, video works never allow any one useless lens,which determines that shohei’s painting can grab the audience's attention atthe first time. He was very concerned about what the audience can see, ratherthan a stream of consciousness about a bunch of crap, and he can quickly takethe audience to the context created by him by the color related to"zen". Moreover, many artists are not very professional about how toproperly choose the language to express the theme, but shohei know to choosewhat kind of color, how to adjust the saturation and lightness to let theaudience feel "zen" and "sex" he wanted to express. Theprocess he did was quite rigorous, and it was the embodiment of hisprofessionalism of a good artist, rather than just talking about a bunch ofthings and talking to himself. So the so-called, simple creative processmentioned above is actually not simple.



Secondly, the excellence of this kindof artist like a stream with many branches is that their focus is not on acertain element, a theme to be expressed, but the concern on the power that theaudience ultimately feel. Because the elements and methods changecorrespondingly with the theme to be expressed, even the theme to be expressedmay change as the artist's cognition changes. Today we can discuss politics,and we can think about environmental protection tomorrow. All I care about ishow to make the audience perceive some kind of message I want to convey,because art itself is a language, no one stipulates which one you must speak.


When it comes to language, it remindsme of a question about identity I discussed with shohei before. He said: I am afree man, I don't belong to any country, I don't belong to any genre andorganization. Every defined area has an impact on me, they made me, and a partof my body comes from them, but that doesn't mean I'm bound by a certain areaor genre. There is no any extreme identity on him, I think it has a lot to dowith the personality of his constellation, libra is always good at finding abalance and beautiful point, and can grasp the scale. In his paintings, I cansee the generalization of lines from the east, because the shape of line comesfrom the east, so shohei who was born in the east is highly sensitive to lines.His knowledge of lens, color and direct expression was cultivated on the soilof the west.


As a Japanese artistworking in New York, shohei well combines the nutrition of the East and the Westin his works. And the freedom he possesses, the balance of his identity and thequalities he controls make his works fresh, which determines that he is anexcellent artist worthy of attention.


Shohei Kondo (b. 1986, Japan) is a New York-based artistfrom Japan. His work has been exhibited internationally and venues including,Amakei Gallery (Japan), CAA Museum (China), and SVA Chelsea Gallery (UnitedStates). He is the recipient of the Sanwa Award (Japan) and his work is inprivate collections in the United States and Japan. Kondo holds a BA in FilmStudies from Takarazuka University of Arts and MFA Fine Art from School of VisualArts in New York.b.1986,Hyogo, JapanLivesand works in New York.

